26 February 2013

where was my camera...

while driving to the mall this afternoon
(actually it was before noon. 11.13.)
i was stuck behind a really really
really really old truck suburban thing
whose operator was old as well.
when i finally arrived at my destination
i picked a parking spot near the back
as to reserve the closer ones for the
elderly without handicap stickers.
i pulled in next to another car who
probably had the same mentality.
but then again maybe not.
ute fan.
in the car, i saw a barbie.
a byu cheerleader barbie.
the ugly ones with bendable joints.
this barbie had yarn around her neck
and was hanging from the rear view mirror.

go utes.

stay rad.

callie, devri, and myself went to logan last weekend.
it was soups fun.
guess who liked this hot picture on instagram?
and theamerican.
idk who that is though...
i left my boots at home and didn't realize until draper.
of course i would do something like that.
we stopped at city creek and the only reasonably priced
toe covering
shoes were toms.
i provided a pair to a child in need that day.
we were bored of our faces.
friday night i saw my friend from new york.
josh. remember him?
this cute boy.
yup. saw him
in logan, utah. (neither of our hometowns)
at a random mall
in zumiez.
since when do i shop at zumiez?
i dont.
coincidence? maybe.
welcome to logan.
the land of the snow and ice.
please keep your hands and feet inside at all times
to reduce risk of having frostbite.
its freezing there.
while apartment hunting it was slick.
this happened two times.
within 4 steps of each other.
callie cant contain her laughter
devri cant resist a photo opportunity.
i'm on the ground.
my butt is still sore.
the temple there is lovely
we were going to go inside but didnt have time.
ignore the powerlines.
and the snow.
its a beauty.
heres to sweet meet ups, electricity, and awfully placed bruises.

21 February 2013

i take pictures of strangers butts. and faces.

i need a style education. a stylecation.
is this paint/duct tape/fabric patch
on your butt, cool?
i may need to do some clothing alterations.
stranger photo #1
seriously though, i don't get it.
found this italian beauty on VOTO.
stranger photo #2

he's 18.
stranger photo #3
couldn't tell you his name.
it was italian.
this came in the mail!

i love getting mail.
look how cute my name looks.

see that girl?
the one with the ring?
she's engaged
to be wed on august 9th.
to leave our single sisterhood
to be with a boy named will forever
we will miss her.
we took her pizza for her birthday.
and fruity twists.
here's to strangers, silent shutters, missionaries, and logan.
i'm taking a road trip.

14 February 2013

i'm selfish.

and also a hopeless romantic?
who knows.
while doing an assignment for school
(which i put on hold to make this post)
i found this bed & breakfast.
Forte Conde Inn
mostly this post is so i never forget this B&B
but also so all y'all who are planning a trip
(to mobile, alabama)
can go here!
isn't it charming?
true southern charm, right there.
i might be in love.
so much for my honeymoon to the bahamas. 
i'm going here instead.

heres to homework, b&b's, turquoise showers in the kitchen, and blue skies.
you had me at hello.

13 February 2013

winter rut.

this is me and my friends.
in the future.
current temperature here in orem is 28 degrees.
dev locked me out of her apt at midnight.
funny story actually.
i might be losing my mind.
subzero. the (un)lactose one won't even try soy ice cream.
soldier hollow tubing.
pic #1.
pic #2.
my friends copy my faces. e'ery day.
Dev is now 19.
happy birthday best friend whom i love dearly and always tolerates my loud screams and my dumb jokes at 1 am and keeps me healthy-ish. best birthday ever :)
we still have cocktail parties.
we need real cups.
Kenna is 16.
Happy Birthday best friend whom i never see because you are too busy with school and dance and men. i hope you had a lovely day.
First time at cocoa bean since approximately october.
Irish Carminalla with milk chocolate isn't that good.
target is currently selling these.
it isn't even valentines day yet.
they are my favorite.
new golf decor?
to go with my soon to be (well the lady version) golf shirt?
fine with me.
KrmaGolf check them out. for realizes. greatest company ever. (hashtag)feedthebirds
but hey good news,
i won't be the only one alone this valentines day. 
heres to girlfriends, pizza, cadbury eggs, fruity twists and chick flicks.
aka, how i will be spending my evening tomorrow.