13 February 2013

winter rut.

this is me and my friends.
in the future.
current temperature here in orem is 28 degrees.
dev locked me out of her apt at midnight.
funny story actually.
i might be losing my mind.
subzero. the (un)lactose one won't even try soy ice cream.
soldier hollow tubing.
pic #1.
pic #2.
my friends copy my faces. e'ery day.
Dev is now 19.
happy birthday best friend whom i love dearly and always tolerates my loud screams and my dumb jokes at 1 am and keeps me healthy-ish. best birthday ever :)
we still have cocktail parties.
we need real cups.
Kenna is 16.
Happy Birthday best friend whom i never see because you are too busy with school and dance and men. i hope you had a lovely day.
First time at cocoa bean since approximately october.
Irish Carminalla with milk chocolate isn't that good.
target is currently selling these.
it isn't even valentines day yet.
they are my favorite.
new golf decor?
to go with my soon to be (well the lady version) golf shirt?
fine with me.
KrmaGolf check them out. for realizes. greatest company ever. (hashtag)feedthebirds
but hey good news,
i won't be the only one alone this valentines day. 
heres to girlfriends, pizza, cadbury eggs, fruity twists and chick flicks.
aka, how i will be spending my evening tomorrow.